

What is Hub?

Hub is a video on demand (VOD) media distribution system that allows users to access to videos, television shows and films.

This is a personal project, please do not expect a production ready product. It is mainly intended for learning and testing Laravel features.

You can fork the project and make your own adjustments based on my changes.

What feature stack does Hub use?

It uses the following stack:

  • Laravel 11.x with Pulse, Scout, Horizon and Reverb
  • Livewire 3.x with latest WireUse
  • TailwindCSS
  • AlpineJS
  • Meilisearch
  • Podman 5.x

For streaming, the nginx-vod-module is being used. It is a very flexible nginx module, which can also be used to dynamically retrieve content of videos and streaming them to end-users.

To learn more, please visit the GitHub repository.