Using Components

WireUse - Components - 2024-07-12


WireUse offers a set of traits that you can include on your Component and Livewire components.


The Foxws\WireUse\Views\Support\Page class can be used for Livewire controllers:

use Foxws\WireUse\Views\Support\Page;
use Livewire\Attributes\Layout;

class PostViewController extends Page
    public Post $post;

    protected function authorizeAccess(): void

    protected function getTitle(): ?string
        return (string) $this->post->name;

    protected function getDescription(): ?string
        return (string) $this->post->summary;

The Page class extends Livewire\Component and includes the following traits:

  • WithAuthentication - Can be used to retrieve the current user.
  • WithAuthorization - Can be used to authorize the current user.
  • WithHash - Can be used to generate a hash for the given component.
  • WithSeo - Can be used to generate SEO contents.


The Foxws\WireUse\Views\Support\Component class may useful for Blade components:

use Foxws\WireUse\Views\Support\Component;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable;

class Button extends Component
    public function __construct(
        public string|Htmlable|null $label = '',
    ) {

The Component class extends Illuminate\View\Component and includes the following traits:

  • WithHash
  • WithLivewire
  • Illuminate/Support/Traits/Conditionable
  • Illuminate/Support/Traits/Tappable


A selection of some traits that are available:


Located at Foxws\WireUse\Views\Concerns\WithLivewire, this trait can be used to call Livewire attributes.

The following methods are available:

  • wireKey() - Value of id or wire:model attribute - or generate with uuid().
  • wireModel() - Value of first wire:model attribute.
  • uuid() - Generates an UUID, mainly used as fallback.

This is an example of using it with a Livewire wire:key:

<article {{ $attributes
        'wire:key' => $wireKey(),
    {{ $slot }}


Located at Foxws\WireUse\Views\Concerns\WithHash, this trait can be used to generate a hash for the given component, and be used as a wire key.

The following methods are available:

  • hash() - The hash will be generated using the class itself.
  • classHash() - The hash will be generated using the class name.

Note: Always be careful with hash methods, as collisions may occur.

This is an example of using it with a Livewire wire:key:

<article {{ $attributes
        'wire:key' => $hash(),
    {{ $slot }}


Located at Foxws\WireUse\Views\Concerns\WithSeo, this trait can be to handle SEO in your Laravel application.

This trait only works with ralphjsmit/laravel-seo, and is a package requirement of WireUse.

use Foxws\WireUse\Views\Concerns\WithSeo;
use Livewire\Component;

class PostViewController extends Component
    use WithSeo;

    public Post $post;

    public function mount(): void
        // $this->seo()->setTitle('Title using mount hook');
        // $this->seo()->setDescription('Description using mount hook');

    public function getTitle(): ?string
        return (string) $this->post->name;

    public function getDescription(): ?string
        return (string) $this->post->description;