Extending Components

Last updated 1 day ago


WireUse offers a set of classes and traits that may be included on your Blade Component and Livewire Components.

Traits may also be used separately in own components.

Page Controllers

The Foxws\WireUse\Views\Support\Page extends Livewire\Component, and can serve as a Livewire controller:

use Foxws\WireUse\Views\Support\Page;

class PostViewController extends Page
    public Post $post;

    protected function authorizeAccess(): void

    protected function getTitle(): string
        return (string) $this->post->name;

    protected function getDescription(): string
        return (string) $this->post->summary;

The Page class and includes the following traits:

  • WithAuthentication - Can be used to retrieve the current user.
  • WithAuthorization - Can be used to authorize the current user.
  • WithHash - Can be used to generate a hash for the given component.
  • WithSeo - Can be used to generate SEO using artesaos/seotools.

Blade Component

The Foxws\WireUse\Views\Support\Component class extends Illuminate\View\Component, and may be usable for Blade components:

use Foxws\WireUse\Views\Support\Component;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable;

class Button extends Component
    public function __construct(
        public string|Htmlable|null $label = '',
    ) {

The Component class includes the following traits:

  • WithHash - This may be useful to generate unique hashes based on the class or class properties.
  • WithLivewire - Offers methods like wireKey() and wireModel() if a wire:model is injected as attribute.
  • Conditionable - This offers when like methods on the component.
  • Macroable - This allows component overruling and extending by mixins and macros.